Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Strike X-2

The Strike X-2

The Strike X-2 uses alien technology to create a hybrid ship for deep space exploration. Alien crystal power allows humans to travel deeper into space than ever before.


  • Pilot (forward compartment), controls the engines and navigation.
  • Gunner/Droid Operator (middle compartment), controls weapon systems and launches droids.
The crew stays in the ship at all times for safety .


  • Alien rotary drive for deep space missions (rear)
Alien crystal fuel generators (throughout the ship)


  • Forward laser cannons
  • Rotating center backfire missiles
  • Tractor beam offshooters (one on each wing)
  • Super-dynamic rocket missiles (left side)
  • Side shooter and super blasters (right side)
  • Enemy weapon systems disabler (right side)
All weapons powered by alien crystals


  • Two servo-droids can be launched from the rear cargo compartment
  • Droid-1 has a power gun
  • Droid-2 has an alien thermal detonator
Droids can also be used for exploring outside the ship, while the crew remains safely inside.


lou jones said...
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lou jones said...

this is really cool, wuggie. i erased my previous comment because i asked you a dumb question. i'm intrigued by space crystals.