Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Our time in Disney world was fun, tiring, overwhelming, exciting, crowded and lovely. We had no access to WiFi, so now that we are home we will have to compose our thoughts and look through the 1000 photos Exploding Poptart took to share only the best with you.

In the mean time, here are our top 10 things from Disney World:
Mission Space (Wuggie's Favorite)
Dinner at the Swan with Pluto, Goofy and Pasta Your Way
Muppets 3D
Buzz Light Year's Space Ranger Spin
Free Arcade Game night
Paddle boats in our hotel lagoon
Crazy looking birds
Fireworks at Epcot

More to come!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Another Grand Adventure

Tomorrow Wuggie Norple and his family depart on our biggest adventure of the year. We are going to Disney World! After last years journey of 3000 miles from California to New York through the wilds of North Dakota and the back woods of Canada, we are thrilled to be leaving our car behind this time, and to be staying in one place for a whole week. For today, however, we are all a little anxious. We have stopped fretting over our worries about selling out to our corporate overlords, and the fact that all the lunches with Winnie the Pooh were booked months ago and right now I (the mom) am anxious about packing the exact right thing for every occasion. Wuggie Norple is worried about finding foods he can eat in the wilds of Disney, and Dad is worried about how he is going to stand the waiting until we leave for Syracuse tomorrow night.

Wuggie wants you to know, however, that he is very excited about the rides, and about the secrets he has learned from his research, and about the hidden Mickies.

We will try to stay in touch throughout our journey. They have Wifi in Florida, right?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Strike X-2

The Strike X-2

The Strike X-2 uses alien technology to create a hybrid ship for deep space exploration. Alien crystal power allows humans to travel deeper into space than ever before.


  • Pilot (forward compartment), controls the engines and navigation.
  • Gunner/Droid Operator (middle compartment), controls weapon systems and launches droids.
The crew stays in the ship at all times for safety .


  • Alien rotary drive for deep space missions (rear)
Alien crystal fuel generators (throughout the ship)


  • Forward laser cannons
  • Rotating center backfire missiles
  • Tractor beam offshooters (one on each wing)
  • Super-dynamic rocket missiles (left side)
  • Side shooter and super blasters (right side)
  • Enemy weapon systems disabler (right side)
All weapons powered by alien crystals


  • Two servo-droids can be launched from the rear cargo compartment
  • Droid-1 has a power gun
  • Droid-2 has an alien thermal detonator
Droids can also be used for exploring outside the ship, while the crew remains safely inside.