Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Our time in Disney world was fun, tiring, overwhelming, exciting, crowded and lovely. We had no access to WiFi, so now that we are home we will have to compose our thoughts and look through the 1000 photos Exploding Poptart took to share only the best with you.

In the mean time, here are our top 10 things from Disney World:
Mission Space (Wuggie's Favorite)
Dinner at the Swan with Pluto, Goofy and Pasta Your Way
Muppets 3D
Buzz Light Year's Space Ranger Spin
Free Arcade Game night
Paddle boats in our hotel lagoon
Crazy looking birds
Fireworks at Epcot

More to come!

1 comment:

lou jones said...

welcome home! can't wait to hear about it!