Monday, June 30, 2008

At Work

Wuggie Norple came to work with me today. "It will be interesting see it and to meet some of your c0-workers" he said.

We came in through the secret locked back door, and Wuggie said "Whoa. I didn't realize it was so big!" We unlocked all our file cabinets then off to the kitchen to make our sausage biscuit sandwich. He ate his sandwich and I my bagel in our swivel chairs while I checked my e-mail.

When Dad came to pick him up he reported: "The building is really big, but the office is also a little huge."

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Secrets of the Sausage Biscuit Sandwich

This morning is the first day of Wuggie Norple’s summer vacation. Knowing he would leap out of bed even earlier than on school days to greet the dawn and enjoy the wonders of a school-free day, and because he is now 7 years old, I told him last night that it was time to share with him the secret teachings of “how to make yourself a sausage biscuit in the microwave.” He said “and someday when I have a child, I can teach him, and he can pass it on to his child in a long line forever.” [wow, he’s deep].

And so this morning I did pass on the secret teaching,(he said as he pulled his step stool up in front of the microwave “you just tell me what to do and I will do it”) and he made 2 perfect sausage biscuit sandwiches. As he sat in front of them at the dining room table he said with a radiant face “now I am a junior cook… and a senior eater.”

Thursday, June 19, 2008

“My Lucky Day”

Wuggie Norple was up with the sun this morning, because he had brand new sneakers to wear AND he gets a new Pokémon on his Wii. (His friends King Me and Mlle A had sent him a gift over their Wii connection. Each day he gets to choose a new Pokémon. I don’t really understand but I’m sure he’ll show me after work).

He said “new shoes and a new Pokémon. This is my lucky day.” He went out on the porch to jump up and down while I got ready to go.

Wuggie Norple said on the way to the bus stop “I love this season” I said “what season is that” he said “My birthday time”

Monday, June 2, 2008


Wuggie Norple asks: How long is the day on the summer solstice?
Mom Replies: It depends on where you live.
I explain that on the north pole there is no night at all on the summer solstice.
And on the winter solstice there is no day time at all.
Wuggie Norple: Whoa.
Once agian science has blown his mind.