Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Wuggie Norple wants you to know that this is a pyramid he made with his dad.

It has guys inside.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The birds were wrong

Wuggie Norple woke up very early when we went to visit his Nonnie this weekend. He got into bed with his dad and me saying "I heard the birds and thought it was time to get up. But then I saw that it was still dark out, and I realized the birds were wrong."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"Dark Start" or "Stupid Senate"

Sunrise this morning? 7:21.
Bus stop time? 7:16.

Just last week we were finally waking to light through our windows. Now it is pitch dark again. Remember back when Daylight savings started April 1? What was Congress thinking!

Wuggie and I start each day now grumbling about the U.S. Congress.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Here are 2 of Wuggie's recent pieces. "Penguins' Diving Lessons 100: Holding your Breath" is a mixed media piece.

"Red Boy" is made with twisted wire.


Last night, while reading "Magic Treehouse" we came across the word paradise. We tried to think what we would want in our perfect world. Of course there would be all the spaghetti and Doritos you could eat, and a magic bookcase that would have all the books you wanted. Wuggie said "You would go to the book case, and pull out a book, and look at the first page to see which person in our family it was for."

I wonder if you can figure out who in our family these paradise books would be for?

"Everything you Ever Wanted to Know about Garfield"
"Keith Olbermann Loves Politics"
"Doing Yoga in your Garden"

and the special bonus:
"Garfield Star Wars"

I think Wuggie is going to write that last one if it doesn't already exist...


This is Cyaowz(pronounced "kee-owz"). Wuggie Norple has given his faithful companion his very own blog name. Apparently Cyaowz likes Playstation as much as Wuggie Norple! I came home from yoga this morning to find them arranged together on the couch for a Lego Star Wars marathon.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Amazing Math Facts

Suddenly Wuggie Norple is all about numbers.

Last night he asked,
"What's a million minus a trillion"

I said:
"that's going to be a negative number"
He says
"Would you like me to get out a pencil and paper and show you?"

He looked downright excited at the prospect.
After we clarified that we meant trillion as defined in American parlance,
I showed him how

He says,
"No, one million minus a trillion"

Sorry Wuggie


We practiced saying the answer out loud.

Then he runs off to the living room
"Dada, do you want to know an AMAZING math fact?"