Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ice Day

Today Wuggie and I made lunch, packed the backpack, put on our snowboots, scraped the ice off the car and drove up to school. No traffic. No crossing guards. No school.

I hadn't even checked the news to see if school was closed because there was no snow. I didn't know you could have an ice day. We drove home and turned on News10Now. No school! We did the dance of joy and Wuggie is building a Hot Wheels race track while I write my sermon. Dad made hash browns to celebrate.

1 comment:

Andria Crowjoy said...

I was frustrated that we alll could have benefited from a sleep in but I didn't think to check until I saw a plow go by... they were already dressed and in their gear. Oh well, an early start (yawwwwn) never hurt anyone.