Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Curriculum Night

Wuggie Norple's class made these self portraits which were hung outside the classroom when parents arrived for Curriculum Night. I guessed which was his pretty quickly. The Spaghetti gave it away.

Here is what Wuggie Norple's day is like.
Looks pretty rigorous. An hour of math? Phew!


lou jones said...

I like all that reading and writing though!

Ginger Root said...

The trouble is that "writing" is not so much artistic expression at this stage as trying to start forming a letter at the correct place on the paper, and getting through a word before the edge of the paper catches up to you...

lou jones said...

hey wuggie. Forgot to tell you, this is one of my favorite drawings by you!

IrreverendAmy said...

And only 1/2 hour for P.E. Sorry, Wuggie. Love your drawing though.

Speaking of which, ever since we visited you, when Mookie looks at your picture in her love book she points and says your name.