Monday, August 4, 2008

The Lodge

It's done! Last week Wuggie's dad installed the slide and the climbing wall, and Wuggie Norple installed the sign that has his own name. Then they tricked it out with a pulley system and other cool gear. We held the grand opening with new friends on Friday night. I told Wuggie Norple that we had to come up with something funner than "the playstructure" to call it. He said "how about 'The Lodge.'"


Kimmy said...

'The Lodge'! i love it!

IrreverendAmy said...

I want to come play in The Lodge! And so does Mookie!

lou jones said...

yay!! "The Lodge" is so way funner!!!

do you have a place to sit and contemplate on the platform?

Donna said...

Most awesome climber ever! Christian wants one. You guys want to come out and help us build one?

Ginger Root said...

You are all invited to come climb on it any time. Wuggie and his dad have outfitted the platform with carpet and a stool to sit and think on. Also, it turns out that the guy wire for action-figure get-away can also be used as a clothes line in a pinch.