Monday, May 26, 2008


Wuggie Norple and his mom just got home from visiting his Baltimore Cousins. Here are his top 3 moments:

1) Swinging in the roller-coaster-harness swings at Tallest Mountain Playground
2) Tumbling and tickling on the bed with his cousins (after 5 boo boos the game is over)
3) Getting help from his uncle on his Winne the Pooh Video Game

Favorite Songs of the weekend:
The Intermission Song
Do De Rubber Duck

Favorite Story:
The Tiger and the Brahman (From Rabbit Ears Radio)

Favorite Food Experience:
Eating Lots and Lots of Spaghetti ("We hope you like SPA-GHE-TI")
Mom says ALL the food was good

1 comment:

Mike Esterman said...

great having you guys, as always!