Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Wuggie has made it to 100 and he has no idea what the word meant. However he does know it's a seven star amazement.

Wuggie: "As you can see in the background the trainer is totally wiped out.
(This was on the Wii and by 100 it's in push ups)"

Time Warp

Wuggie and I jut finished listening to C.S. Lewis's The Horse and His Boy on our commutes to church. He was very confused about how Peter and Lucy and all were in this story, which was written 5th in the series. I took out the old copy of The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe that my dad gave me when I was little, and showed him the sentence in the last chapter about how they ruled for many years. "It all takes place right in that sentence" I told him. He thought this was hilarious.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Thigs Wuggie wants to be shown

Fantastic! Tri-marshmallow!

Super Tiny!