Wednesday, February 27, 2008

not a snow day

Wuggie Norple was SO bummed that today was not a snow day.

We did manage to put together a couple of fluffy snow balls at the bus stop, however.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

For LouJones

Wuggy was so proud of this score, that he declared February 22 "Super Monkey Ball Deluxe UFO Outer Space Winner's Party Day" to be celebrated annually with an all day Super Monkey Ball Deluxe marathon.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

From the Archives

We found this drawing in Wuggie Norple's craft drawers when his cousin was visiting. This is the schematic diagram his dad used to design a Halloween costume. We tried to explain what it was to Wuggie Norple who, finally comprehending, replied,

"So it's a yellow print"

I think that's his best pun ever.